on Mar 15, 2010

© Joie De Vive 2010

Its hard to believe that I am 11 weeks and 1 day - Jose just 'yelled' at me and said "OMG slow it down already!!!!!" Hahahahaha I'd absolutely love to slow things down, but at the same time I'd love for things to speed up so the baby can be here already.

We've both said that we're really going to hold off on buying anything for our baby until much much later. Buuuut that doesn't mean I can't look :D hehehehe.

We've been having so much fun looking at different cribs, carseats, strollers, bedding... oh my goodness - its all so much to do and get and organize and on top of that.. SO EXPENSIVE!

Jose was jokingly saying he was going to take a picture of every receipt we get so when our kid turns into a teenager and starts acting out, Jose'll have a running tally of how much the kid cost us. lol.. i'm sure he's joking.... (i hope hehehe).

The research on prenatal classes have started, pregnancy and baby books are being bought - and as I come towards the end of the first trimester, my nausea has calmed down and given way to something much worse. I have been 'blessed' to begin with, with a crazy good sense of smell. Now that I'm pregnant, that sense of smell has gone to mutant power proportions! I can smell things from a mile away as if they were sitting right under my nose... great if there are flowers nearby, terrible if there is fish or something around. 


Good news though is that soon enough I'll be able to start going to the gym again just for basic cardio. Doctor said its a good idea to stay as fit as possible throughout the pregnancy because it helps labor and everything go much much faster.

Along with all the excitement over the pregnancy, my baby kitten Tequila is 5 years old now.... God times moves by WAY too fast!

She's all of 5 years old! Its hard to believe how quickly times goes by. If it went by this fast with a kitten, I can't even imagine with a child.....

Just as a statistic for myself:  I started the pregnancy at 110lbs.

At 7-8 week appointment I was still 110lbs

Our next appointment is on the 26th, next week on friday *eep*..... lets see how much I've gained this time around.