on Apr 20, 2010

This post is going to be pretty much all over the place - a good representation of where my head is these days.... all discombobulated. Apparently short term memory issues (and loss of sanity?) are all part of the pregnancy process. I feel like it is almost God's way of preparing me for having a child actually here out in the open and in person. Good training?... Jury is still out on that one.

Speaking of training.. it seems that ever since I became pregnant - my sleep has gone completely and utterly out the window. I mean don't get me wrong, I've never been much of a sleeper. I'm the kind that if literally even a pin drops, I'll hear it immediately and be up type of sleeper. However, these days, my insomnia has reached epic levels of insane.

  • Our cat sleeps in our room, I get cold easily so we keep the heat on when its cold out and she (the cat) loathes being left outside on her own and promptly starts to dig a hole to china under our door so she can gain access into the room. Well, now that she's in the room, her new thing is to use her litter box in our bathroom, refuse to cover up her crap (ewwww) and commence to make the digging motion they're supposed to do in the sand - on the litter box sides instead. Have I mentioned my cat is most likely 'special' considering she fell off our 8th floor balcony and suffered only a minor sprain in both back legs?
  • So that kept me up last night on top of my husband's constant snoring and twitching. Yup.. he twitches.... not little ones either..... twitches that border on full on shakes and fits. And yes, that tends to freak the crap out of me and wake me up.
  • To top this all off we have the neighbors from hell. The mom works as a night shift nurse and in my opinion, trains elephants at night before she leaves for work, because for the last 3 months, almost every.single.freaking.night. I hear BANG, THUMP, BANG, WHACK, THUMP coming from the room that shares the wall with our bedroom. All this between 11 at night and 2am. Its gotten to the point where if something doesn't change soon (we've already complained to the management of our building about it) - I am going to declare war and start banging on walls back every time they do it on our end..... and I REALLY hope they have artwork on that wall that falls every time.
Last night... I fell asleep at 10:30pm..... between all the above going...  I got probably 3-4 hours of sleep. Like I said.. God's way of training me to kiss my sleep buhbye permanently.

On a completely different note:
Why do most americans not realize that the word "Allah" is just the arabic word for God??? Its the same as how the spanish speakers use the word "Dios" for God. Its not like we have a special word for ourselves.... or a god that only we can believe in and only favors us... its literally just the arabic word for God. In a country where education is free, libraries are free and internet is accessible everywhere - it irks me when I see/hear educated people make stupid comments using the word Allah as if referring specifically to a god that only muslims believe in. Gah!

I actually had someone try to tell me that because Christians believe Christ is God, and there it only the one true God of Israel who is "the One God" then that means Allah is a different god.... o_O really???? So that must mean that every country that has a language different than English or hebrew has a different version of God??? Thats just silly. It never ceases to amaze me at how accepting (most - no the crazies and fanatics) muslims are of Christianity and Judaism.... but its hardly ever the other way around. It also fascinates me when people make judgements on Islam like "you guys don't even believe that there was a Christ".... when I'm sitting here going "ummm i grew up in this faith and in fact Christ is an extremely important Prophet for us"......

My point in all this was to say how its a language difference and it automatically got turned into a religion issue.. I really dislike it when people do that.....

I am so grateful my parents raised me to be accepting and tolerant of other people's faiths.... They're all paths to the same end.... To God... so I really don't see the point in drawing lines and building up borders when it comes to this stuff. It is our hope (mine and lobster's) that we would raise our child(ren) in a way that teaches them to accept all faiths and all people and not draw those lines while accepting that all paths are paths to God as long as they are of good value/morals/and actions. Essentially the Golden Rule.

Unwanted touching
Yeah.... this one is a doozy.... so a few days ago. I was sitting in my cubicle... minding my own business, working away like the drone worker bee that I am - when one of the female managers that I know and sometimes speak with walks by and comments on how quickly my belly has gotten bigger. I answer back something to the effect of how pregnancy has a way of doing that and laugh. The next thing I know she's behind me trying to rub my belly but because I'm sitting all she's doing is putting her hands right under my boobs!!!!

Awkward much? I moved her hand and told her I wasn't buddha and to please stop doing that. She laughed it off.

A few hours later, same woman walks by again and this time leans into my cubicle and says "OMG!!!!"  reaches at me with a pen and proceeds to poke my left boob and saying "Your boobies are so much bigger!!!!!!"

o_O REALLY?!?!??!?!?!?!

I mean who the eff does crap like that?!  I, admittedly, flipped out, and told her to get her hands off me and if she ever got it into her head to do that again I would slap her really straight across the face. She laughed and left... I then went and immediately told my supervisor who gave her a warning.....

I was so thrown back by the entire issue. Why does me being pregnant make it okay for people to suddenly think its okay to come up to me, invade my personal space and feel up my stomach?!?!?

Hands off people!