On September 27th, 2010 at 1:24pm our lives changed forever.
Our little girl Aasiyah Nuria came into the world and literally life hasn't been the same since then. I've been blogging my entire pregnancy along with now updates about Aasiyah on her baby blog so I won't be doing too much of that on here. My labor and delivery are pretty well documented on the blog as well..... with he xception of certain events.
Let me take a step back for a moment: Lobster and I are now parents. We live and breathe for this little girl that has so quickly in such a short time captured our hearts (and our sanity). 2 weeks into sleepless nights, haphazard moments quickly taken to eat and diaper change after diaper change - we wouldn't change a thing. We would do anything for her happiness, for one smile. Above it all we would do anything to protect her, even if it was from ourselves.
I've been very blessed to have parents that have done the same for me - time and time again they have put their children first and themselves second, third, fourth and fifth. Unfortunately Lobster has not been able to have too much of that in his life.
What should have been the happiest day of our lives, the birth of our daughter very quickly descended into drama filled fiasco surrounding my mil. It was all very unfortunate and more than that... very sad to see my husband trying to enjoy his daughter's birth but having to deal with family drama because selfish things were being done rather than people being their to support him and I.
The days following her birth - I saw my husband put up a staunch wall and it still stands there. Its not my place to tell him to how to deal with his family - its up to him how he wants to deal with them and what place they will have in his life. I'll support him as long as I see no harm coming to aasiyah in all of this. My heart aches to give him the peace of mind and heart that I have, surrounded by my parents. Yes my parents drive me nuts at times, but they have always always done right by me..... by my husband and I.
In a way, the events of aasiyah's birth have brought lobster and i much much closer together. This little family we have now, him, our baby and I - this is it. This is our family. From now till the day we die, this will be our family and all others will be extended family. Its such a defining thing to have one little person show up in your lives and it redefines everything that exist in your world.
Such power in such little tiny hands.
Suffice to say we're terrified for when she turns into a teenager. hehehehehe.
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