Isabella (Izzy)
September 14, 2008 - June 21, 2011
I never thought I would be one of those people that gets attached to an object. We grew up moving, from house to house, city after city, country after country - and through every single move, my mother made us reevaluate what we had in our rooms.
Did we really need all those stuffed toys? Were some of the books we had old and outgrown? There were kids that could use those toys and books that we left ignored and unloved in our shelves and closets. So each move ended with us moving a little bit lighter, with a little less "stuff"
As a result, I've become someone that's never really cared if I did or didn't have "stuff". If it had to be given away, then so be it. Someone else would give whatever it was, a good home.
This time though....
this time its hard.
Lobster and I have taken the plunge. We are giving away Izzy, our gorgeous 2 door Honda civic coupe - and trading it in for a Honda Fit Sport.
*breathes deeply*
It just made sense now, with Behbeh growing up so quickly, the 2 door was becoming harder to deal with, and we desperately needed more room in our little car. So the decision was made earlier last week, and as of last night we signed papers buying the Fit - and pick up the car later on today.
On the drive home, after signing the papers... I realized that this was possibly one of the last times I would drive my car.
My Car
She was my dad's present to me for kicking ass at graduation (back in the day - college). She was our first car, I saw her on the lot and fell in love with her. I named her Isabella and we broke her in by driving her to Jim Thorpe, PA for Jose's birthday in september through a crazy crazy rain storm.
Trial by fire lol.... we took our first driving trip to NYC in it, drove to Boston, Maine, Connecticut, Upstate NY, Delaware, Washington DC, Maryland and all over Pennsylvania in that little car. We took one of my best friends out in that car after she found out about her lying cheating husband. Took countless roadtrips w/ another best friend in that car...
We brought our beautiful little girl home in that car........
And I just can't get over how emotional I am about letting Izzy go.
I guess you never really get over your first... and she was the best first I ever had.
So Izzy - here's to a great couple of years... and may you make the next owner just as happy as you made us.
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