on Aug 1, 2011

"The real fast is the blossoming of the inner heart" - Bawa M.

Americans have Thanksgiving, Catholics have Lent, Jews have their fasts... Muslims.. we have Ramadan. Our friend Tariq said it best:

"... thankful to be a part of a 30 day expression of true love and thankfulness". 

I am so excited that it is finally Ramadan. I was unable to fast last year because I was pregnant and since I am not still breastfeeding behbeh, I can finally fast again this year. As always this time of the year always comes with a tinge of sadness for me. Ramadan here in the US is not the same as it was back home in the east. There is no excitement in the air when you step outside. No one wishes you ramadan mubarak unless you go specifically to your mosque. The stores and vendors aren't all selling food and goods to help prepare for ramadan here...

its just not the same.

But this year is different. This year I am celebrating Ramadan as a mother to a beautiful little girl. I have had so much to be grateful for in years prior.. but this year I am especially thankful. So I've decided that for each day of ramadan, I am going to list at least one thing that I am grateful for... more if possible, but at the least I'll write one.


For today I am grateful for a precocious little behbeh that gives the biggest toothiest little smiles when she's busy climbing all over me, for attention, right when I'm eating or working on my laptop. I am grateful that in this world there is at least one person that thinks that I am the most awesome thing ever and no one was ever as great as me. One day she'll think it very uncool to hang around me, but for now I have this to look forward to: