on Nov 24, 2010

I'm a mom to a 2+ month old.

When the heck did this happen?!

How did I go from never wanting kids to singing sesame street song to my gorgeous little daughter? When did my life turn from me always having my hair done and dressing reasonably well to putting on whatever was in arm's reach and sporting the latest in baby spit up and drool?

Turning 29 apparently really did a number on me. That biological clock rumor is true I suppose. We're 8 weeks into being parents.

I don't think I've ever been so sleep deprived. I hear it gets better though - so there is a light at the end of the tunnel (so I hear).

Good news is my butt is slowly fitting into sleeping shorts and pyjamas that were way too tight over a month ago. The only thing left now is for me to get myself into the gym at some point. I guess once things calm down and Aasiyah is in some sort of a schedule.

I have to admit though - we have one gorgeous behbeh :)
And yes.. I realize this post is all over the place. Its a great portrayal of my frame of mind these days :)

Happy turkey day!