on Aug 2, 2011

Anyone who knows me will tell you: I LOVE summer. Love love love it!
I live and breathe for warm, sunshiney weather. While I look incredibly cute in scarves and sweaters and hats... summer is my jam.

Except for in Philly. Well.. lemme correct myself. I love summer in philly - those few days where it isn't 89% humidity outside and you feel like you have to use a machete to cut through the moisture in the air, just to walk. I'd like to be able to walk outside without feeling the need to constantly have my inhaler on hand because it feels like I walked into a very very damp sauna.

Philadelphia has craaaazy humidity, especially this year. Add to that a pretty intense heatwave that hit us recently and behbeh and I are stuck at home. Its just unholy to be outside.

So imagine my happiness when teh skies finally opened up and it thundered and rained and glorious water came pouring down. Just when you thought you couldn't take any more scorching heat and humidity, God let this little blessing of rain down on us.

Kinda makes you really think about how life is a lot like that. You end up with piles and piles of issues and problems and you feel like you're just drowning in it all.. and out of the blue comes something that reminds you that things do get better. It isnt' always bad. While our debt is still there, our hospital bills are still there, our lack of funds is still there.... and the heat was still there... this little rainstorm, for a few blessed moments, made everything seem just a little bit better.

So day 2 - I am grateful for our little rainstorms in life :)