on Aug 4, 2011

Every now and then it really hits me what an amazing age we live in. The technology we have in our hands (literally) is far faster than some of the best computers about 15 years ago. Crazy that my little droid cell phone packs more of a punch than my first computer did.

As a stay at home mom, you tend to feel very cut off from the world. Especially when you're a SAHM like me that also has no access to a car, no friends in the area and not necessarily the kind of neighborhood you want to be walking around in.  The last ten months have left me feeling VERY restless and very .. .well stale. I feel like my brain is slowly decaying out of boredom.

We certainly don't have the money for me to go back to school. I would LOVE to get my master's degree while I'm at home - perhaps even finally get that degree in psychology i've been playing with in the back of my mind. But... money is very very hard to come by especially these days (hey govt. how about giving student loans a break instead of continuing to make rich people richer?!) sooo I went on the hunt for a low cost/cheap program I could do online.

Nothing I found was what I wanted, and then ones that were good, were from universities that no one had even heard of! Then, I came across a website that wrote about how Ivy League schools like Yale and Cornell had opened up some of their classes to be online free courses for no credit. While I'd get no closer to a degree, I could still "sit in" online to a prerecorded lecture on astronomy, philosophy, anthropology or psychology!!!!

This place was a gold mine for a book nerd like me. So - I've signed up and made it my goal to sit down at least 2 times a week and "hit the books" so to speak. Any other time in man's timeline, thsi would not have been possible.

I am so so grateful its possible during the time when I'm around and came make use of it!