on Aug 9, 2011

Our little one is making a habit of waking up at 6:30 - 7am every day now. She's so persistent about it we can pretty much stop setting jose's alarm so he wakes up for work. Usually this means that both he and I are walking zombies, having gone to bed late the night before.

Most of the times, I make it through the day in a fuzzy haze of sorts and by the end of the night, I can barely recall what I did.

Today..... Behbeh was crawling around, dragging her little elmo toy behind her as per usual... when it stopped working. There was much crying and gnashing of four teeth until I walked over to take a look to see what happened. Turns out the elmo's little off switch had been hit. So I switched him back on and gave him back to her.

The joy on that girl's face! Oh my goodness! She let out a huuuuuge squeal and wrapped herself around my neck and gave me a VERY slobbery half kiss on the cheek - and then crawled off. LOL

Totally made the 7am wake up call worth it.
Its always nice to know that you're some sort of hero in your baby's eyes - gotta enjoy this until she's a teenager :D