on Aug 6, 2011

It is the goal of every muslim to make to Mecca, Saudi Arabia at least once in their lifetime. It is the equivalent of a religious christian going to the holy land. Its a milestone and something we all strive to do. If you're really lucky, you get to go.... however there are millions who can't afford to make the trip for financial, family or medical reasons. My grandmother, my mom's mom, has always wanted to be able to go, but is too frail now to make the journey. It breaks my heart knowing the one thing she's always wanted to do, see the Ka'aba in person, is something she'll never get to do...

But then a really great company comes along and does something awesome!

Google joined with the Saudi Arabians and for the month of Ramadan is providing a live feed to Mecca. Any muslim with a half decent internet connection, will be able to see the ramadan prayers live 24/7.

The link for it can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/MakkahLive

While it is not the same as being there in person.. perhaps this will be able to bring a smile to my grandmother's face, knowing she's hearing the same prayers as the people standing there in front of the Ka'aba